Friday, February 12

The 100-Recipe CDKitchen Challenge

I've been itching for pastries, particularly since I've been exercising more lately and as a consequence, wanting to eat more. I felt the hankering for some sweet baked goods and wandered down to A lot of the baked goods I saw didn't have photos attached, let alone comments so I felt it my mission to do a self-challenge over the course of the year to try 100 baked good recipes from the site and to upload the photo process. We'll see how it turns out!

Challenge Details:

-100 Posts by the time the year is up (Deadline: Midnight of December 31st, 2010)
-100 individual recipes from
-Upload photo process and review for each individual recipe.

Next recipe/post to watch out for: Grandma's Sweet Rolls.


Valerie @ CDKitchen said...

Now that's my kind of challenge! We can't wait to see your results!

HR said...

Me either!