I'm pretty sure when the recipe for "Grandma's Sweet Rolls" was uploaded to CDKitchen, they didn't have this lady in mind (although she would've made for a pretty cool Grandma to bring to show-n-tell...) Nevertheless, I've never made sweet rolls before so the recipe (to me) might as well have come from that old lady from Dinosaurs.
Grandma's Sweet Rolls
- 1/2 cup of sugar (check)
- 1/2 cup of vegetable oil (check)
- 2 teaspoons salt (check)
- 2 packages dry yeast (check)
- 2/3 cup milk (check)
- ...scalded (check...)
- cooled (check...)
- and don't burn yourself (OW! ...check!)
- 2/3 cup lukewarm water (ahhh...I mean, check)
- 2 eggs, beaten (not stirred)
- 5 cups flour
...And prayed.
Meanwhile, my milk overrunneth.
Oh, ew, this is what happe
Yeah, we're just gonna set that aside and pretend it never happened.
...Because it didn't.
Combine the cooled off milk, oil, sugar, salt, and remaining water.
Stir in one cup of flour...
Then add the eggs (that I have beaten, mwahaha)
...and yeast mixture.
Mix in the remaining 4 cups of flour, and mix it around until it feels more like cement mixture than edible dough.
Clean off your work stations, boys and girls. Feel free to use either a disinfectant wipe ala Swine Flu fear, or if you're green, white vinegar works just fine too. And if you're me: a simple wet towel does the trick. Dry it off and dust with flour.
Slam that dough onto the counter
...and begin giving it a 2-minute massage it'll taunt its other girlfriends with.
Roll it up in a cute little ball, and put it into a greased bowl to sit its timeout in.
Now, we gotta wait about 45 minutes (let's go watch House!)
Ding! 45 Minutes is up, which means you have to punch like it owes you money, and then when it comes back for more, you have several options to do with your dough:
- Bake it into a variety of things, such as "sandwich buns" or "sweet rolls" for cinnamon and jelly, as per suggestion of CDKitchen.
- Save it and freeze it, like how I'm going to for my next recipe post dealing with Bear Claws.
- Go after its family in order to give the message across that you're not joking around. 'Cause you're not.
Some notes: This dough seems rather thick and heavy; I'm not sure if this is normal, since I'm not accustomed to handling dough. And the dough didn't seem to rise that much so I'm a little anxious that I either did something wrong or if there's something missing from the recipe. Anyone have a comment on this?
(Recipe found here: Grandma's Sweet Rolls, via CDKitchen)
I was so excited to see you were going to make this recipe. Why? Because out of the 100,000+ recipes on CDKitchen, that one is actually *my* grandma's recipe!! My mom submitted it. My grandfather was a baker in Norway in the 1920's, so that's where this recipe originated.
This was a delicious recipe, Val -- this dough was used for bear claws which turned out FANTASTIC mainly due to this recipe. Thanks for posting it up! Your grandma was one cookie ole lady! (Personally, this recipe is totally saved for my own use and I'm definitely going to reuse it again and again.)
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